一個公司裡有會講第二語言的員工也是非常必要的,我聽說,在航空的過程中如果一個中國飛行員降落在阿根廷,盡管他們在日常生活中從來不用英語,飛行員們依然會用英語來對話。Kaiser Permanente也宣告了,他們的員工幾乎可以講世界上的所有語言。因為在這個被金錢主導的資本主義社會,完全可以接受那些不懂英語卻遷移到美國的人。
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Our Guest Blogger is Joanna, one of TheTalkList preferred tutors.
Why is American English so Dominant?
In the United States of America, we are somewhat arrogant when it comes to language. English more specifically, American English is considered the universal language. Yes, French is still out there, more on the African continent than the Americas; but, when we travel, we expect there to be people in the general population, especially in business, who speak OUR language.
In countries like Germany, English is taught to all children from the beginning of elementary school through high school. Yet, here in the states, we only offer a second language in high school or maybe middle school. In California, to be accepted to all pubic universities, high school students are only “required” to take two years of a foreign language. Of course, this attempt at giving students a well rounded education is introduced once our brains have passed the point where acquiring language comes easily. Physiologically, 18 months to year 6 is the best time to teach children new languages. Children at this age can compartmentalize each language and learn to speak all three of them fluently with enough exposure. The realization of this multilingual person is more prevalent in Europe where the distinct cultures and languages are much closer geographically and their economies are intermingled.
I have many friends who remember taking a foreign language in their high school years, but have no memory of how to actually speak it. This arrogance, as I call it, is in a country that prides itself on being multicultural, the big melting pot. I know of families where the wife is 1st generation Korean and the husband is Italian, another where the wife is Filipino and the husband Mexican-American and a third where the wife again is Korean and the husband French. In these families, everybody speaks English. The child is not spoken to in Korean, Spanish, Filipino, or French. I can say there are some people who try to teach their children the language of their homeland by sending the children to Saturday school. I’ve seen it in Chinese-American families and with Jewish Orthodox families. I have only seen this occur when both parents are from the same culture.
Often it becomes necessary to have employees who speak a second language. I have heard it said that in aviation if you are a Chinese pilot landing in say Argentina, the pilot still speaks English and the air traffic controller on land speaks back in English even if neither party’s native language is English. Kaiser Permanente also advertises that they have employees who speak almost every language out there. In a capitalist society, we change when money is involved. It is even accepted that the farther a person is from his/her ancestors who originally migrated to the US, the less that person knows of their family’s language.
I do speak English. I try very hard with little success to learn to speak Spanish. I use my Duolingo app often, and I pick up a word here and there and can decipher it in its written form somewhat successfully. However, when my father speaks Spanish fluently, and without an accent if his cousin can be believed, I struggle with the basic formalities of the language. This pang of inadequacy from my lack of knowledge of my own family’s culture causes me to wonder why, in the United States, with so many resources to speak other languages, our populace is so adamant that we all speak English and only English.
Joanna’s URL: http://www.thetalklist.com/user/profile/uid/120/0/...